Tuaw has just published a post about how PC users spend less time after purchasing an iPad. It references a survey by AdMob and they say that "Among the 1,430 tablet own ers who par tic i pat ed in the sur vey, 77 per cent admit ted to spend ing less time with their per son al com put ers after buy ing a tablet, 43 per cent said they now use their tablets more than their per son al com put ers, and 28 per cent claimed to use a tablet as their pri ma ry com put er. Most tablet users, 68 per cent, spent at least one hour each day with the device, pri mar i ly for play ing games (84 per cent), search ing for infor ma tion (78 per cent) or email cor re spon dence (74 per cent)."
It must be true ;-)
Written from an iPad ;-)
"A little bit of everything" is my personal web log. I will talk, as its title says, about anything that comes to my mind: technology, sports, cinema, music... I hope I can find the time and strength to write something once in a while. By the way, this blog expresses only my personal feelings and thoughts. Do not take any of my points of view as necessarily shared by the organization(s) where I (have) work(ed).
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Trying to post from Blogger app in Android
So that is it. Just my first try blogging from the Android Blogger app.
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