Saturday, April 21, 2007


Another nice application I am using in my N80 Internet Edition is Fring.

Fring is an applications that lets you use VoIP to call other people (normally, free if you call another VoIP client, and with some money cost if you call a fixed or mobile phone line -see my previous post about, lets you detect online presence of your pals and works on either cellular and wireless networks (I do not like Jaiku because of its lack of WiFi support, although it seems to be a great software after the few things I tried before I decided to stop paying for traffic).

It is great to be connected to google talk and be able to either chat or call your gtalk contacts.

They are improving their tool little by little, and next step should be (IMHO) more support of Skype network. It is good to have SkypeOut support (although, having VoIP support and having so many VoIP operators cheaper than skype... what do we need it for?). That better support would be the capability to call or chat with Skype contacts as we can do with google talk contacts.

Another nice improvement would be to import contacts from the agenda in the same way they are in the agenda and not generating a new entry for each different phone number or internet phone identifier of each contact. It is ugly and it is disabled in my phone.

I rather have VoIP activated via S60 3rd edition integrated client, which lets me treat VoIP just like regular calls, and then be online using Fring in google talk, MSN and Skype(SkypeOut only, what a pity)... when I have a free WiFi network close to me.

Btw, and talking about Jaiku, they say it is a clone for Twitter (which I have used as a reader in a Widset widget). I am giving it a try to see it it supports WiFi).

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Google Adsense

By the way, I am trying Google Adsense. I obviously will not get rich, I just want to see how it works.

Anyway, if the number of people reading my blog remains the same, I will hardly get to know :-)


One of the things that I like the most in N80 Internet Edition is its VoIP capabilities. I first started using the Gizmo client available in Nokia catalogs for free, but it does not make friend with the configuration of additional VoIP services. So I uninstalled it and manually configured It is really great to call Spanish landlines (and a lot of fixed phone lines in the world) for free or send SMS for 0.05 € to any place in the world.

It is much much cheaper than Skype (and it is based on SIP) so... I do love it! For some mobile phones in Spain, it is even cheaper than regular SMS calling.

Next step: I downloaded FON Wi-Fi client and... :-)

We'll keep reporting.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Well, after long without any post being published... here I am on the road again! This has been a quite problematic Easter because of my health so it has not been quite the holidays which were meant to be.

Staying in bed for that long made me remember that I had completely abandoned this blog, so it is due time for me to publish stuff again.

January, February and March have got me busy preparing new projects at work and working on the existing ones. In the meantime, I have gotten involved more and more in W3C MWI's Mobile Web Best Practices and Device Description working groups.

I shall speak about all those things in more depth in the future.

Ah, I finally turned my N80 -that the warehouse where I bought it had imported illegally (as I noticed when I upgraded the firmware and lost Spanish language support)- into an N80 Internet Edition. I have tried VoIP and talked to some Spanish fixed lines thanks to, and also Nokia Maps (the rocking maps and navigation tool that Nokia has given to us all their users for free!).

Enough for today, because my family deserves all the time after having me in bed for the last two days. BRB!